For questions and comments to the organizers please send a mail to Stefano Bistarelli.
Due to the persisting coronavirus crisis we have decided to have the Summer School on Argumentation fully online. We will use Zoom to host all the events in the conference. A link for partecipating will be sent to all registered users.
The Fourth Summer School on Argumentation: Computational and Linguistic Perspectives (SSA 2020) will take place from 4th to 8th September 2020. The original venue was Castiglione del Lago – PG from 4th to 7th September and the University of Perugia in Italy on 8th September. The school is co-located with the 8th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2020).
It is the fourth event in the series of Summer Schools on Argumentation, the first Summer School on Argumentation took place at the University of Dundee in 2014 in the UK, the second took place at the University of Postdam in 2016 in Germany, and the third at the Warsaw University of Technology in Poland. The main aim of SSA 2020 is to provide attendees with a solid foundation in computational and linguistic aspects of argumentation and the emerging connections between the two. Furthermore, attendees will gain experience in using various tools for argument analysis and processing.
Besides students having argumentation as a major research interest, the school welcomes both students and researchers in different fields, including e.g. non-monotonic reasoning, knowledge representation, logic programming, linguistics, natural language processing, philosophy and psychology, just to mention a few of them.
The program will include courses, keynotes, and the student program. Courses will introduce argumentation along different perspectives (abstract and structured level, argumentation as inference and argumentation as dialogues, probabilistic argumentation), and will deal with the application of argumentation for normative and legal reasoning, argument mining from natural language, and the use of a general software tool for argumentation. Some material might be provided in advance to be discussed during the interactive sessions. Keynotes will give a focused overview on a specific topic. The student program will consist of digital poster sessions and discussions with mentors. Participants in the student program have to submit a 2-page abstracts before the school and will have the opportunity to present their work as a digital poster. The best poster will be awarded a "best poster award".
A best student paper award will be awarded, sponsored by the Italian Association of AI.